
The Kubernetes community is our users and contributors. Our culture is frequently cited as a substantial contributor to the meteoritic rise of this open source project. With this rise, our values have evolved over time, pushing our project and peers towards constant improvement.

The hundreds of thousands of community members that file issues, attend KubeCons, manage micro-communities, push commits, or run `kubectl get pods` need feedback loops open and closed. Read on to learn about the different ways you can join them and become part of the community.

Code of Conduct

The Kubernetes community values respect and inclusiveness, and enforces a Code of Conduct in all interactions. If you notice a violation of the Code of Conduct at an event or meeting, in Slack, or in another communication mechanism, reach out to the Kubernetes Code of Conduct Committee at All reports are kept confidential. You can read about the committee here.


We're on youtube, a lot. Subscribe for a wide range of topics.


We talk a lot. Find us and join the conversation on any of these platforms.
forum ▶
Topic-based technical discussions that bridge docs, StackOverflow, and so much more
twitter ▶
Real-time announcements of blog posts, events, news, ideas
github ▶
All the project and issue tracking, plus of course code
stack overflow ▶
Technical troubleshooting for any use case

Upcoming Events

Kubernetes Day India - Bengaluru, Karnataka, India - 2019-03-23
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU - Barcelona, Spain - 2019-05-20
Open Source Summit NA - Hilton San Diego Bayfront, San Diego, CA - 2019-08-21

Global Community

With over 150 meetups in the world and growing, go find your local kube people. If one isn't near, take charge and create your own.

Recent News